04. Why is AI for 3D med imaging important?


Why is AI for 3D Medical Imaging important and who is it relevant to?

ND320 C3 L0 05 State Of AI For Med Imaging


A telltale sign of growth in an area of medical technology is the amount of products getting submitted to the regulatory authorities. A good view of what has been happening with AI in medicine is this infographics. Note the recent growth of the share of imaging technologies.

State of AI for med imaging

FDA approvals for medical AI

FDA approvals for medical AI

Hiring check

Who would be interested in hiring an AI engineer with 3D medical imaging focus?

  • A hospital system
  • A medical imaging startup
  • A big tech company like Microsoft or Facebook
  • A medical device company like GE or Siemens


AI for 3D medical imaging is garnering a lot of attention recently because of all the advances in the deep learning space. Some of the early applications are very promising.

To get an idea of the growth of this industry, take a look at what the American College of Radiology (ACR) has been doing. The ACR is a US professional society that develops guidelines for the use of medical imaging technology.

Recently the ACR has been actively working with clinicians and regulators to define the use cases for AI in radiology and help the FDA find the proper regulatory frameworks for various AI techniques. Two initiatives are worth taking a look now: